International Chefs day 2012 was celebrated by the Faculty of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, with a visit to an Organic Farm close to Chennai, with the Head of the Department leading the students. The students exhibited lot of interest and enthusiasm in visiting the Organic farm. Importance of organic farming over the current day scientific farming where fertilizers are used is known to all. The need for the students to know what the essential differences were explained by the farm officials.

The question arises whether organic farming could revive back totally to feed the exploding population, which had at least become 4 times in the last 50 – 60 years when organic farming was done more. Answer to this is not easy to get since it requires answers to multiple questions. Students and the faculty did not lose the opportunity to study the morphological differences and also tried to understand from the farming experts there to know the nutritional differences between the produces of Organic farming and the current day conventional farming, which uses inorganic chemicals for faster and mass productions.