Glimpses of students of M.Sc. Food Science, Nutrition & Dietetics, Department Of Food Science, Nutrition & Dietetics, MGRERI receiving the Certificates of Appreciation from our Hon’ble President – Er. A.C.S. Arunkumar sir, for their recognizable efforts & participation in the activities mentioned below-

1. Successful completion of the Internship in Department of Nutrition & Dietetics in the leading Hospital/s, such as MGM ,Apollo , Kauvery Tamil Nadu Multi Super Speciality , MMM, Billroth , Dr.Mehta Hospital , Frontline Hospitals etc
2. Competition in 4-Minutes presentation / talk – by the students on the topics in Nutrition domain
3. Successful completion of the Internship in Holistic Nutrition

Congratulations students! Wishing you to reach more heights in your life!